coduto_headshot_2021Welcome! I am a researcher interested in online dating, sexting, and other interpersonally-driven online behaviors. Whether it’s understanding why someone swipes left or right or figuring out why someone is compulsively scrolling on social media channels, I want to know more about these behaviors. I have published research on these topics in academic journals including Sexuality & Culture, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, and Computers in Human Behavior. I have also appeared in the media to discuss these topics, which you can view by going to my Media Appearances page.

tpsexting_coverMy first book was released in September 2023: Technology, Privacy, and Sexting: Mediated Sex, from Lexington Books. This book is a deep dive into sexting, including understanding why people do it; the privacy beliefs and worries they have when sharing this content; and the ways they manage the content, both using technology but also trusting their partners. You can order the book here.

I am a mixed methods researcher; I use quantitative and qualitative methods to answer my research questions. This includes surveys, experimental designs (laboratory and online), open-ended questionnaires, and in-depth, in-person interviews.

I am an assistant professor of media science at Boston University; I previously worked as an assistant professor of communication and media studies at South Dakota State University. I teach courses in communication research methods, social media strategy, and communication theory. I received my Ph.D. in communication from Ohio State University and my M.A. in mass communication and journalism from Kent State University. Before returning to school for my Ph.D., I worked as a strategist and brand planner for an advertising agency in Cleveland, Ohio. I still offer consulting work related to branding and social media.